Recently, I watched the movie "Communion", starring Christopher Walken. I had already read the book, "Communion", by Whitley Strieber. It was a great read, and I would recommend this book to any paranormal fan. It's well written, and I could imagine the characters in this book, vividly. The book, and the movie, can be purchased at Amazon. Click on the image, to be transferred to that Amazon page.
Health Care Supplies
The products that keep me healthy, are my medicine cabinet supply products, for right now. My hope is to stay healthy, work more, and be able to afford to stock up on things that I would need, in any emergency. Auto Care Supplies > >Roughing It Supplies >
My children, and I, were at a bookstore, and one of my kids came up to me with a book - called "Why Paint Cats". My son showed me one of the pictures in that book, and it was a picture of Charlie Chaplin painted on a cat. Then he, along with his brother and sister - walked off. Leaving me alone, as I laughed out loud, in the middle of the store. You can get "Why Paint Cats", at Amazon.
I've found that there are many self help books, on the subject of PTSD. It takes a great deal of effort to put coping skills into a day-to-day, routine, but it is definitely worth the effort, at least that is what I have found to be true. The internet has several websites, where you can anonymously share your experiences, and get feedback, from people with relative experiences and stories. LINK>PTSD Diagnostic Criteria